Sierra Sage Region of

How to Submit Events

If your area or group is planning a Narcotics Anonymous event and would like it listed on the Regional Events Calendar you can do so by using the Post Event page. Certain items are needed for your event post to be helpful, they are Venue Name, Address, Description, Organizer Name and Email and Submitter name and email.

Post Your Event

  1. Select the menu link Add Event under the “Events” tab in the menu.

2. FIll out the form.

   A. Make sure your event has your Area Name and Date ( makes it easier to scan). Please put all the information on the flyer in the Description field so that people who use a screen reader or have color vision issues will be able to easily see the information for your event.

B. Please pick a category so that it displays what service committee supports the event.

C. Add your Date and Time and Attach Image

D. Add venue – create a new venue, make sure you use the name of the venue. If an Online/Zoom event use the Event Website for the Zoom link.

F. Cost – Enter cost, if no cost/free leave blank or enter zero.

G. Terms of Submission. This must be agreed upon to finish the submission. If the terms are not adhered to the SSRSC tech/Web committee will remove the event.

Once your form is submitted it is reviewed and published or you will be contacted for a correction or verification.

Note: if you have a pre-registration flyer as a PDF, email it to as an attachment ( use your event name and event flyer name PDF in the subject line ) and the web team will post it as a download link in your event description.
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